Your body talks!
What if your body is trying to tell you something? What does your body know that you are conveniently ignoring? What if your body is being loud about it and trying to get your attention? PAIN!
PAIN. A language used by your body to communicate stressors from your physical — external environment and emotional — internal environment.
Are you ready to hear it?
As per Yogic Scriptures, we are made up of multiple energy bodies, called Pancha Koshas
- Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Body | Universal Consciousness)
- Vignanamaya Kosha (Wisdom Body | Super Consciousness)
- Manomaya Kosha (Emotions & Mind Body | Consciousness)
- Pranamaya Kosha (Energy Body | Life force — Breath)
- Annamaya Kosha (Physical Body )
Creation is from Subtle to Gross, and so is Pain. What is your choice of life (soul journey)? What is your external environment (work, family)? What are your beliefs, thoughts and emotions? Anything that bothers your growth and life’s process eventually contributes to the creation of pain.
Why pain do you ask? How else would YOU know from within what needs to change?
If you observe, pain — in the smallest intensity is the first ping for your immediate attention to something that needs to change. The more you ignore more the intensity increases, slowly. Thereby leading to either chronic pain or body destruction in the process!
After having read Dr. Susan Babel’s psychologist’s assessment of how your emotions are causing chronic pain in your body. And having awareness of Yoga Asanas for diseases and pain relief. I found that your body is conveying a message, very subtly albeit. Wouldn’t it be nice to know how to interpret your body’s first ping for your immediate attention?
So I thought what if our body had a funny bone, and tried to have a conversation? I guess it would be like this…
Headache — Overthinking and Stress
Body says — “Will you stop thinking already? I like it quiet, coz you got it like always!”
Neck Pain — Not able to Forgive Self and Others
Body says — “For my sake, spit out those words already. Forgive and be free!”
Shoulder Pain — Carrying emotional burden.
Body says — “Knock off that emotional luggage you are carrying. It’s enough!”
Upper Back Pain — Lack of Emotional Support.
Body says — “Why are looking for love outside? You give the best hugs!”
Lower Back Pain — Lack of Emotional and Financial Support.
Body says — “Stop whining…Your desires will be met!”
Hips Pain — Feeling stuck.
Body says — “Shake it baby… Shake it enough to move ahead in life.”
Elbow Pain — Fear of change.
Body says — “Unfreeze now my dear statue. Let’s give this new opportunity a try, shall we?”
Palm Pain — Not asking for help.
Body says — “Now that we have done everything by ourselves, let’s ask for help?”
Knee Pain — Big fat ego.
Body says — “Let go of your ego. Take a chill pill and relax.”
Calf Pain — Jealousy.
Body says—“Stop being jealous! Your life is amazing!”
Ankle Pain — Lack of pleasure.
Body says —“Why are you not having fun? It’s time for some pleasure.”
It’s time to check in with your body and have this conversation. Let me know if this awareness helped you rethink the intensity you have. Try placing your palms gently on that body part, and intentionally breathe to reduce the intensity and let go of the story!